OSINT Techniques

Resources for Uncovering Online Information - 11th Edition (2024)

47 chapters | 276,000 words | 590 pages | 8.5" x 11" | $40 - This textbook will serve as a reference guide for anyone who is responsible for the collection of online content. It is written in a hands-on style that encourages the reader to execute the tutorials while reading. The search techniques offered will inspire researchers to think outside the box when scouring the internet. Digital downloads include offline search tools, custom Linux scripts, and detailed report templates.

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Extreme Privacy

What It Takes To Disappear - 5th Edition (2024)

30 Sections | 228 Chronological Tasks | 340,000 Words | 590 Pages | 8.5" x 11" | $40 - Michael Bazzell has helped hundreds of celebrities, billionaires, and everyday citizens disappear completely from public view. Many of his previous books about privacy were mostly REACTIVE and he focused on ways to hide information, clean up an online presence, and sanitize public records to avoid unwanted exposure. This textbook is PROACTIVE. It is the complete guide he would give to any new client in an extreme situation. It leaves nothing out and provides explicit details of every step he takes to make someone completely disappear, including legal documents and a chronological order of tasks. For many, this is the only manual needed to secure a new private life.

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This Book Was Self-Published

A Technical Guide - Digital Edition (2024)

11 chapters | 79,000 words | 236 pages | 8.5" x 11" | $20 - This book includes all of the details the author wishes he would have known before starting his self-publishing journey throughout 29 books. It removes the mysteries surrounding hardware configuration, software requirements, document formatting, book content, print publishing, E-book publishing, audiobook publishing, podcast publishing, book piracy, marketing, promotion, affiliate programs, income monitoring, tax reporting, and every other consideration important for your own publication process. All updates are free and delivered digitally.

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Release Schedule

OSINT Techniques (11th Edition Paperback and Digital) was originally published in November 2024. There are currently no plans for a new edition. The current digital revision is 2025.03.01.

Extreme Privacy (5th Edition Paperback and Digital) was originally published in August 2024. There are currently no plans for a new edition. The current digital revision is 2025.03.01.

The Self-Publishing Digital Edition PDF was re-released in June 2024. There are currently no plans for a new edition. The current revision is 2024.12.01.

The Leaks, Breaches, & Logs PDF is no longer available for purchase. Any updates will be provided free to purchasers, who will be notified via email of new files. The current revision is 2025.01.01.

The Ultimate Virtual Machine PDF is no longer available for purchase. Any updates will be provided free to purchasers, who will be notified via email of new files. The current revision is 2025.01.01.

The Mobile Devices PDF is no longer available for purchase. Any updates will be provided free to purchasers, who will be notified via email of new files. The current revision is 2025.01.01.

The macOS Devices PDF is no longer available for purchase. Any updates will be provided free to purchasers, who will be notified via email of new files. The current revision is 2025.01.01.

The Linux Devices PDF is no longer available for purchase. Any updates will be provided free to purchasers, who will be notified via email of new files. The current revision is 2025.01.01.

The VPNs & Firewalls PDF is no longer available for purchase. Any updates will be provided free to purchasers, who will be notified via email of new files. The current revision is 2025.01.01.

Books F.A.Q.

Q: How do I receive the digital ebooks and how long can I download them?

A: When you purchase a book, you will immediately see the download link in your browser, and you will also receive an email with the same link. This link is valid for 30 days. After expiration, you can no longer download that version. When we release an update, you will receive another copy of the same link, which will be valid for another 30 days for the updated file.

Q: I lost my copy of the book, I deleted the email sent to me with my download link, or I did not download the book within the 30 days of receipt, can you send me a new copy?

A: We do not have access to your unique email message, the file created specifically for you, or your custom download link, therefore we cannot send you a duplicate copy. However, whenever a new update to the book is released, the clock will be reset and you can download an updated copy from the new email generated.

Q: How can I tell if I have the latest version of a digital guide?

A: The version number is visible at the beginning of each digital guide, and it can be compared to the current revision visible on this page.

Q: Do you plan on releasing digital books in any other format than PDF?

A: No. We believe PDFs work best for these types of large books. Other formats such as epub do not hold the formatting, fonts, layout, etc., which is vital for these technical books. We would rather put our energy into releasing updated content than try to satisfy everyone's requests for other formats. You are welcome to convert your own copy to another format within Calibre for personal use.

Q: Will the digital versions of OSINT Techniques, 11th Edition and Extreme Privacy, 5th Edition receive updates?

A: Somewhat. We want to preserve the content of these books as originally published, and their page counts and content are tied to their ISBNs. However, if there is something minor which needs updated or corrected, which will not impact page layout, we will send a free update via email to anyone who purchased the PDFs.

Q: Will the digital versions of OSINT Techniques, 10th Edition and Extreme Privacy, 4th Edition receive updates?

A: No. We must preserve the content of those books as originally published, and their page counts and content are also tied to their ISBNs.

Q: I purchased OSINT Techniques, 10th edition or Extreme Privacy, 4th edition, am I entitled to the new editions for free?

A: No. Those books were always promoted as one-time purchases without free updates. The new editions are completely rewritten, and we must charge for the new books in order to justify the resources we put into them (590 pages each).

Q: Can I still purchase the digital supplement guides (VMs, Breach Data, Mobile Devices, macOS Devices, Linux Devices, & Firewalls)?

A: No. The two OSINT guides were incorporated into the 11th edition of OSINT Techniques and most of the other guide content was included within the 5th Edition of Extreme Privacy. We removed the single-topic supplements in order to decrease the complexity of choice.

Q: I purchased one of the previously-available digital supplement guides. Will I still receive free updates?

A: Yes. Anything we change within that content will be sent to you for free. We keep our promises. Please note there is no official release schedule for updates, they are sent out as needed.

Q: I have purchased various print or digital books in the past. Can I have a discount for other books?

A: No. We suspect that most people buying books have already purchased something from us in the past. Instead of artificially inflating our prices in order to offer discounts, we prefer to offer a low price to everyone. We cannot provide any further individual discounts at this time. We believe the current costs for these guides are extremely fair considering the content.

Q: I bought your print books from Amazon. Can I have the digital editions for free?

A: No. We are unable to offer free PDFs of print books purchased through third parties.

Q: Can I change the email associated with my order for future updates?

A: Yes, but we cannot remove the original email address from the initial purchase. Both Stripe and Sendowl will store that data indefinitely, possibly forever. If you want a new email address added to the order for update notifications, you must email us from the original address and tell us the new address you would like to replace the old. We update the information through Sendowl, but we do not store it internally.

Q: I no longer have access to the email address I originally used for my order, how do I update the address used for updates?

A: In order to modify your order, you must tell us the order number (printed on the bottom of the guide), the email address you used, and the last four digits of the card used for payment. In order to protect all readers, we cannot allow anyone to take over an order without these details.

Q: Will there be a hardcover version of OSINT Techniques (11) or Extreme Privacy (5)?

A: No. The page count of each book (590) is too high for hardcover prints, so only digital and paperback options exist.

Q: Do you accept virtual currencies for books payment?

A: No. We did for a few years, but over the past year 95% of the requests to pay via Bitcoin never followed through with the purchase. Therefore, we decided to terminate the manual process due to limited personnel.

Q: I have questions about the techniques within the books. Can you help me?

A: We are unable to provide technical support to readers. You might consider joining the IntelTechniques online video training, which includes unlimited access to the instructor.

Q: Are you planning any future books, guides, editions, or other types of publications?

A: Unfortunately, no. We have finally reached the point where downloads of illegal pirated books severely outnumber legitimately purchased copies. Most people would now rather download free ebooks than support the work and research of independent authors. We are not mad, that is just where society is. There is a growing community which believes all books should be free, and authors should never be paid for their work. As a business, we can simply no longer justify the expense and time required to put out new titles when so many readers are choosing to post them online or steal them from hundreds of piracy websites. Therefore, we have scrapped the plans for any future books including the upcoming self-hosting and second passport guides. We will focus our efforts on our online training, live events, and clients, which will always receive the benefits of our latest research. The goal of the books has always been to offer an extremely affordable way to replicate the services we offer. That model worked for several years, but it seems broken today. All good things must come to an end, and we had a great run over the past 15 years. Thank you to all who supported our silly ideas!