Extreme Privacy

What It Takes to Disappear - 4th Edition

4th Edition (2022) | 22 chapters | 320,000 words | 517 pages | Hardcover & Paperback

Michael Bazzell has helped hundreds of celebrities, billionaires, and everyday citizens disappear completely from public view. He is now known in Hollywood as the guy that “fixes” things. His previous books about privacy were mostly REACTIVE and he focused on ways to hide information, clean up an online presence, and sanitize public records to avoid unwanted exposure. This textbook is PROACTIVE. It is about starting over. It is the complete guide that he would give to any new client in an extreme situation. It leaves nothing out and provides explicit details of every step he takes to make someone completely disappear, including legal documents and a chronological order of events. The information shared in this book is based on real experiences with his actual clients, and is unlike any content ever released in his other books. The stories are all true, with the exception of changed names, locations, and minor details in order to protect the privacy of those described. For many, this is the only privacy manual needed to secure a new digital life.

4th Edition Changes & Summary

If you have the 3rd edition of this book, you may want to know what has changed in this 4th edition. Overall, 30% of the book is new and updated content including three new chapters. All expired and outdated resources were replaced with new methods throughout every chapter. The outline is below.

CHAPTER 01: Computers
CHAPTER 02: Mobile Devices
CHAPTER 03: Digital Life
CHAPTER 04: Home Network
CHAPTER 05: Ghost Addresses
CHAPTER 06: Nomad Residency
CHAPTER 07: Legal Infrastructure
CHAPTER 08: Vehicles
CHAPTER 09: Temporary Housing
CHAPTER 10: Home Purchase
CHAPTER 11: Payments, Utilities, & Services
CHAPTER 12: Employment
CHAPTER 13: Pets
CHAPTER 14: Death Considerations
CHAPTER 15: Requests, Freezes, & Removals
CHAPTER 16: Beyond Extreme
CHAPTER 17: Damage Control
CHAPTER 18: Physical Privacy & Security
CHAPTER 19: My Successes and Failures: Jane Doe
CHAPTER 20: My Successes and Failures: Jim Doe
CHAPTER 21: My Successes and Failures: Mary Doe
CHAPTER 22: My Successes and Failures: John Doe

Release Schedule

Extreme Privacy (4th Edition Hardcover, Paperback, and Digital) was originally published in March 2022. There are currently no plans for any future print or digital editions. Any future digital releases will be supplemental guides to this text. The current digital revision is 2024.06.01.

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Digital Version

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OSINT Techniques (10th Edition)
OSINT Techniques: Leaks, Breaches & Logs
OSINT Techniques: The Ultimate Virtual Machine
Extreme Privacy (4th Edition)
Extreme Privacy: Mobile Devices
Extreme Privacy: macOS Devices
Extreme Privacy: Linux Devices
Extreme Privacy: VPNs & Firewalls

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