Category: OSINT

The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show – Episode 230

EPISODE 230-Personal Data Removal Revisited

This week I revisit my methods for personal online data removal, offer a new free removal workbook, plus two new OSINT tips.

Direct support for this podcast comes from sales of my books, services, and online training. More details can be found at Your support eliminates any ads, sponsors, endorsements, Patreon, donations, or commercial influence on this show.








How do I know what data the sites have?
What is the optimal removal method?
How long will it take?
What if I am blocked because of a VPN?
What if they don't respond?
Do I have to complete every site?
How often should I revisit?
Should I remove my family?
How do I remove 'difficult' content
Should I hire a company to do it?
Will this impact a security clearance?
Is there any point any more?


Reverse Opt-Out for OSINT

Free Workbooks:

Affiliate Links:
SimpleLogin Masked Email:
Silent Pocket:

An Analysis of the IntelX Scrape

I saw an interesting post on RaidForums today. If you are not aware, RaidForums is a website where people share/trade/sell data breaches. When you see a news article refer to a top secret, underground, hidden site, on the DARK network, they are probably just referring to RaidForums, which is easily accessible within any web browser. What caught my eye was the title of "scrape of pastes on". IntelX is a website which I have used in the past to search for content within Pastebin archives. IntelX charges from $2,000 to $10,000 per year to access data publicly scraped from Pastebin, but I have always encouraged people to take advantage of free trials whenever the need surfaced. A complete collection of the entire IntelX archive seemed like a useful data set. I grabbed a copy and dug in.

The data set contained 87,813 text files which each appear to be complete scrapes of each paste represented. The decompressed size was just over 6GB. Using RipGrep, I conducted searches for pastes that might be relevant to me. I started with a query of "inteltechniques" and received dozens of hits. Almost all were referring to links from my website, and nothing exciting. I then conducted a search of "" since many credential lists are presented as email:password.

As expected, millions of email/password combinations appeared, as seen above. The entire collection possesses 46,176,519 email addresses. I suspect the vast majority of these are already within various credential combo lists. This data could be extremely valuable in order to see an entire paste file as it appeared on Pastebin, especially since sensitive pastes get removed often.

It should be noted that IntelX has downplayed this scrape. They state that this collection is only a small percentage of the pastes they have collected. This is absolutely true, but this downloadable collection contains only the good stuff. I believe this scrape is much more useful than the entire paste collection, as all of the "junk" pastes have been eliminated which do not contain domains or email addresses. I have always been surprised that IntelX charged so much money to access publicly available information. This data set prevents the need to create a trial in order to research beneficial archives. The ability to conduct keyword searches with local data is much superior to any online search. I no longer need to worry about revealing details of my investigation to any third party. Since IntelX acquired 100% of this data from public sources, and it was then scraped through their official public API, I don't have issue downloading my own copy for research.

The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show – Episode 228

EPISODE 228-New Privacy & OSINT Strategies

This week I present two new privacy strategies, including a new opt-out platform and macOS telemetry minimization, plus the latest privacy news and a new OSINT tip about government database downloads.

Direct support for this podcast comes from sales of my books, services, and online training. More details can be found at Your support eliminates any ads, sponsors, endorsements, Patreon, donations, or commercial influence on this show.





GrapheneOS Pages
MySudo Short Code Support

NEW PRIVACY STRATEGIES: intitle:"privacy web form" intitle:"privacy web form" thomson reuters intitle:"privacy web form" "marriott" intitle:"privacy web form" "onetrust privacy webform"



NPI: National Provider Identifier


Personal Data Removal Revisited

Free Workbooks:

Affiliate Links:
SimpleLogin Masked Email:
Silent Pocket:

The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show – Episode 227

EPISODE 227-Eleven Topics

This week I present Eleven assorted topics surrounding privacy, security, and OSINT including a Pegasus recap, ID.Me challenges, more Airtag concerns, the Protonmail audit, results from a ProtonMail search warrant, new uBlock Origin features, another email masking option, upcoming Google Voice changes, GrapheneOS updates, Librem 5 phone refunds, and a new NextDoor OSINT tip.

Direct support for this podcast comes from sales of my books, services, and online video training. More details can be found at Your support eliminates any ads, sponsors, endorsements, Patreon, donations, or commercial influence on this show.



Mark Herring


Online Video Training Price Increase
Ransomware Breach Update
"Watermarked" IDs




Protonmail Audit:

ProtonMail Search Warrant

uBlock Origin Updates

DDG Email Forwarding

Google Voice SMS Forwarding

GrapheneOS Sandboxed Google Play

Librem 5 Refunds


Settings > Neighborhoods > Explore Neighborhoods

Free Workbooks:

Affiliate Links:
SimpleLogin Masked Email:
Silent Pocket:

Personal Ransomware Exposure

Note: This post is a supplement to the podcast episode with the same title located at

When we think about ransomware victims, I suspect most of us think about companies having their data encrypted and being extorted for Bitcoin payments in order to obtain the decryption tool which will unlock their documents. With more companies possessing proper backups due to the awareness of this criminal activity, we are now seeing ransomware groups focus more on exposure of data instead of decryption. This presents a new problem for all of us. It is now OUR data which is often exposed to the world when companies refuse to pay the ransom.

To be clear, I never support or encourage ransomware payments. However, I do support resistance when companies and government institutions demand our information and then store it insecurely. On my show, I talk a lot about my methods to sanitize my personal information when requested because I know it is likely to appear online due to poor privacy policies or accidental exposure. Let's take a look at some recent ransomware data dumps which are now publicly available and may be leaking YOUR personal details.

Accountants often demand to store copies of IDs and tax forms on your behalf. My account/attorney rolls his eyes when I insist on storage within encrypted containers and transmission only via encrypted email. I believe this is all justified. Clients of a California law firm now have all of their data exposed within a ransomware dump made public last week by a group called "Clop".

This includes tax forms displaying names, DOBs, and SSN, as seen below.

This is the main reason I insist that my attorney either store data within a secure encrypted container or allow me to be responsible for storage of my own docs.

Employers demand tax forms from us to legally pay us, but then store them with the same security as the rest of their daily documents. The following is one of many employee tax forms collected by a nutritional foods company which was hit with ransomware this year by a group called "Clop" which is now publicly available.

This is one of the many reasons I conduct all business in the name of an LLC and only provide EINs issued by the IRS for all transactions.

Universities and colleges demand our personal details and then include them within documents stored insecurely. The following Miami university breached document publicly discloses full name, address, DOB, ethnicity, phone, cell, email, and relatives. I suspect people search websites will soon start including ransomware dumps within their infrastructure.

A Colorado school went further by releasing class schedules and grades after they were hit with ransomware.

Digging into the files further identifies every student's overall GPA which allows the public to now monitor his progress as a student.

I have no secure options for this problem. We have no control over school storage of our data.

All of the forms your doctor or dentist makes you sign are rarely securely stored. The following redacted partial form was released after a dentist office refused to pay a ransom to a group called "Conti" and terabytes of data were exposed online.

This is the reason I always resist signing unnecessary paperwork and scrutinize HIPAA release forms. We cannot refuse everything, but we can minimize our exposure.

The apartment or home you have leased includes numerous contracts. When the property management company, in this case a business in Canada, gets hit with ransomware and ignores the extortion demands, all documents get released publicly.

This is one of many reasons I title any home ownership or lease within the name of a trust or LLC.

Physicians, surgeons, and dentists often capture digital photographs of various conditions. A hospital suffered a ransomware breach by a group called "Vice Society" and did not pay the criminals. As a result, all of their stolen data was published to the internet, including images of their patients' illnesses, including the following redacted image.

This is one reason I SOMETIMES ask doctors to either avoid unnecessary images or delete them after any procedure is complete.

If the images present within the data dump were not enough, a Word file titled "Login and Passwords" is included for access to third party services. I may or may not have confirmed that all of the passwords still work. This is why I never recommend storing passwords locally in an unprotected document, and only recommend locally-stored secure password managers with encrypted data.

Since my company often assists clients with ransomware attacks, I find the chat logs between businesses and the criminals especially valuable. Many of these logs are stored within the victim computers and become part of the data dump through the offender's website. The following is a partial display of a chat between a dermatologist office and the criminals who attacked their network. These can be a great source of education before engaging with ransomware criminals.

Many ransomware data leaks contain full Outlook PST files which include every incoming and outgoing email associated with a specific email address. The following is a partial list of these files, each several gigabytes in size, downloaded from a ransomware publication after a city refused to pay the extortion. The content of these files is incredibly sensitive.

This is why I consider every email I send to be public information. I never send anything I would worry about becoming publicly available. I reserve sensitive conversations for E2EE ephemeral messaging.

The next time a business demands your personal data or a copy of your ID, consider this post. When they ignore your resistance to provide personal details which are not required for the business being conducted, explain your concern through these examples. When your friends and family call you paranoid or difficult for wanting to keep your information private, know that you are not alone. If you would like much more information about the ways I protect the privacy and security of my clients, please check out my book Extreme Privacy.